How Custom Software Improves HVAC Energy Efficiency


Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are critical components of homes and businesses, generally falling under the regulation of a comprehensive building energy management system (BEMS). The BEMS aims to enhance and control energy usage within electrical, security, and lighting systems. In all these domains, the technology senses conditions and makes adjustments to achieve an optimal balance. Such a system boosts HVAC energy efficiency in particular, helping to process the air using fewer resources.

The right BEMS–ideally a custom software solution calibrated to your unique needs–can transform your HVAC system into an energy efficiency powerhouse. HVAC energy management solutions use custom software to do tasks like arranging heat pumps efficiently, and curtailing waste in your building. Thus, teaming up with a custom software solution provider like S44 to overhaul your BEMS guaranteed to save you critical expenditures.

Let’s dive deeper into HVAC energy efficiency and how custom software can enhance operation.

HVAC energy efficiency
Photographer: Kaspars Grinvalds

HVAC Energy Efficiency Standards

Measuring and improving HVAC energy efficiency is not a guessing game; there are clearly defined metrics to track. For HVAC systems, one of the most important metrics is the energy efficiency ratio (EER).

The system’s EER measures the amount of air cooling produced as output for a given amount of electricity as input. The higher the EER, the more efficient the A/C system: it cools more for less energy and therefore less money. Conversely, the lower the ratio, the more wasteful the system.

If your EER is too low, there are certain best practices you can keep in mind to achieve better HVAC energy efficiency. You can make sure you keep up with routine maintenance on HVAC systems and only run them within the recommended temperature range. You can also seal building openings, add insulation, and install more curtains and drapes as needed to further boost EER.

HVAC energy efficiency
Photographer: DestinaDesign

How Custom Software Improves HVAC Energy Efficiency

Basic best practices help nudge you into alignment — but a real jump in HVAC energy efficiency comes from custom software that can calibrate your system with real-time needs.

Capabilities like real-time monitoring, data analytics, and automation turn HVAC systems into adaptive units that slash waste. The software monitors the HVAC system around the clock, processing what it detects; should conditions shift outside of predefined parameters, the software will make the necessary system adjustments automatically.

Beyond efficient installations, let’s dive deeper into how custom software can boost your HVAC energy efficiency to new heights.

Real-Time Monitoring and Data Analysis

Sophisticated sensors and data collection mechanisms aggregate information on HVAC operations. While monitoring the devices, software analyzes the data to generate real-time insights.

Continuous monitoring and analysis provide a comprehensive understanding of multiple variables. You can investigate air temperature and humidity, for example, and see how they combine to impact HVAC performance and usage. You can factor in any other data you deem valuable as well, such as weather conditions or building occupancy.

Smart Control and Automation in HVAC Systems

After sensing and analyzing data, the next step is exercising control. Since they’re working on live data, custom software solutions can execute extremely precise maneuvers to minimize waste.

For instance, a custom smart system can optimize HVAC electricity use by only enabling the heating or cooling systems when truly necessary, i.e. when data steps outside of your predefined parameters. Lower electricity use translates into lower operational costs.

Occupant comfort also improves, since the software can learn to manage thermal conditions and air quality to people’s taste. The air change rate can be refined. Room pressure, acoustic levels, and other variables can be adjusted to suit human needs.

HVAC Integration With Building Energy Management Systems

Custom software also simplifies the integration of HVAC with your wider BEMS. This helps you build a more comprehensive monitoring ecosystem, merging monitoring, analysis, and control functions between applications seamlessly.

By integrating your systems to share all information, the custom software solution empowers building owners like never before. The joint system extracts the maximum possible HVAC energy efficiency.

Raise HVAC Energy Efficiency with S44

Buildings depend on their HVAC systems to keep people comfortable and healthy. At the same time, you can’t blow through your budget doing so. HVAC systems often present some of a building’s heftiest electrical consumption; therefore, it’s important to find a way to optimize use and achieve the highest EER possible.

Certain best practices can help — but they can only go so far. To really optimize HVAC energy efficiency, you need the help of cutting-edge custom software. An intentionally-designed smart system can bring your building management software ecosystem into perfect alignment, and automate controls to keep consumption at strictly necessary volume.

Of course, developing these solutions is best left to the experts like our team at S44. S44 develops custom software solutions for a wide range of business applications, including HVAC installation and monitoring, digital twins, electric vehicles, and more. We’re always ready to help you digitize your way to a more sustainable future; reach out today to learn more about our custom software solutions.



S44, Electrification Custom Software Dev

S44 develops custom electrification software for EV fleets globally focused on CPMS, MSP and CPO solutions.